Studies and Designs done in Rome in the Year 1752, p. 35: Niobe

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Studies and Designs done in Rome in the Year 1752, p. 35: Niobe
Studies and Designs done in Rome in the Year 1752, p. 35: Niobe
Studies and Designs done in Rome in the Year 1752, p. 35: Niobe
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
title=Credit line
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Studies and Designs done in Rome in the Year 1752, p. 35: Niobe
Black chalk on white paper
Metric: 188 x 130 mm (volume: 203 x 143 mm)
Imperial: 8 x 5 5/8 in.
Accession Number
Wilson Online Reference
Niobe, daughter of Tantalus and Queen of Thebes, is shown trying to protect the last of her seven daughters from the arrows of Apollo and Diana.
London, Cardiff and New Haven 1982-83 (21); Tercentenary 2014 (16)
Bt about 1922 from Miss Alice J. Bowles
Related Paintings
P90 The Destruction of the Children of Niobe, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, New Haven
P90D Studio of Wilson, Apollo destroying the Children of Niobe, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Critical commentary
Page 35 from a sketchbook of 78 leaves containing Studies and Designs done in Rome in the Year 1752. The figure of Niobe is taken from the famous Antique sculptural group originally in the Villa Medici, Rome but from the 1770s in the Uffizi, Florence. The figures appear in a similar pose in P90 The Destruction of the Children of Niobe, Yale Center for British Art, which Wilson exhibited in 1760. A few years before his journey to Italy the Revd Joseph Spence had discussed the marble group at length and illustrated the central figures in his book, Polymetis. However in Wilson's first version of the subject P90A, painted in Rome perhaps as early as 1754, the group was composed differently. As noted by Robin Simon, Wilson's associates there, J.J. Winckelmann and Johannes Wiedewelt, made a particular study of the Niobe group, together with the other sculptures in the Villa Medici, in 1756-58. On the opposite page (p. 34 verso) is a framed rapidly-drawn view of the hill-town of Sermoneta, famed then as now for its connection with Lucrezia Borgia and inscribed by Wilson, 'Sermonetta'.
J. Spence, Polymetis, Book 2, London 1747, pp. 96-100 and 111; WGC, pp. 160-63, pl. 20a; Solkin 1982, pp. 152, 157; Wilson and Europe 2014, pp. 216-17; F. Nicolai, 'The 1584 Purchase Contract for the Medici Group of Niobe Sculptures', Burlington Magazine, vol. 162, no. 1402, January 2020, pp. 26-31
More Information
Only two sketchbooks by Wilson have survived - the present one (D53-D53/81) and D280-D280/33 Italian Sketchbook - Drawings, 1754, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
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