A Welsh Valley (Hills and a Quarry…

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A Welsh Valley (Hills and a Quarry…
A Welsh Valley (Hills and a Quarry…
A Welsh Valley (Hills and a Quarry…
Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
title=Credit line
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
A Welsh Valley (Hills and a Quarry; View near the Loggerheads, Denbighshire)
c.1765 (undated)
Graphite, black chalk and stump on white laid paper
Metric: 238 x 372 mm
Imperial: 9 3/4 x 14 5/8 in.
Accession Number
Wilson Online Reference
The view is taken from a point close to Colomendy Hall, near Llanferres, Denbighshire where Wilson's cousin, Catherine Jones, lived and where he stayed regularly, dying there in 1782. The prospect is north-west towards the River Alun.
Birmingham 1948-49 (129); London 1949 (128)
Chambers Hall Gift, 1855
Very faintly inscribed in black chalk, lower right corner: Wilson
Techniques and materials
There are compositional additions to the foreground, probably by Wilson himself
Collectors' marks
[1] Lower right corner: Chambers Hall (Lugt 551)
[2] Lower right corner: Oxford University Galleries (Lugt 2003)
Mount inscriptions
[1] Inscribed on old grey washline mount: No. 13
Related Paintings
P155 View near the Loggerheads, Denbighshire, Tate, London
Critical commentary
The drawing was used for P155. Chambers Hall described the subject as 'Campagna towards Albano, very elegant in line' but as Ford remarked, the style is different from the Italian drawings. Furthermore the paper bears a Strasburg lily watermark, which is not found in any of those drawings.
Previous Cat/Ref Nos
Vasari Society, 2nd series, part 4, no. 18; Ford 1951, pp. 37, 62, no. 75; WGC, p. 178, pl. 40c; Herrmann 1973, p. 56, pl. 48A; Brown 1982, p. 669, no. 1908; Pugh 2013, p. 41, pl. 1.6
Updated by Compiler
2016-12-12 00:00:00