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"Syon House from Richmond Gardens - II - Evening" is linked to these Documents
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Wilson Online Reference
Booth Notes Doc. 8
Benjamin Booth
Unpublished Notes, Document 8: List of Wilson's Paintings and Works by Old Masters and other Artists in Booth's Collection
Unpublished manuscript
London, UK
Primary unique
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Private Collection, England
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Four-page flattened folded folio, torn along the fold, with ink text and pencil annotations in same hand on laid paper watermarked 1805.
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[Page 1]
[pencil] Wilson 42 -- Rome - Albano.Lake Tivoli .. Wilton. Sketch. [P76A] Mecaenas Villa [P71C] Temple of Venus View on ye Dee. View on ye Thames. [P89] Composition: Sr. G: Colebrooke [P156] Do.-------------- Do---- View on ye Strada Nomentana [P105] Do. of ye Temple of Venus. Nemi. with Monks in. a Garden [P72] Do. with ye Convent. -- Sr. G. Beaumont [?] Hounslow Heath [P131] Rosamunds pond - Cicero's Villa ruins. Sketch [P186] Mecaenas.' Baths. [P137A] Adrian's Villa [P138C] Do. -----. [NWP138F] Villa Aemilia. [P117] On ye Terracina [?] road.- Arpinum.[?] Okehampton Castle [NWP174A] Temple of Bacchus. Ye Study with. Zuccarelli. after. Zuccarelli and figures. Landscape Ruins on a Hill with Misenati [?] in | - the distance Do -- Nemi. painted at Rome. [P81?] Villa Madama. [P91D] Do.-
[Page 2]
Storm with ruin'd Tower [P191] Landscape with Augustus's bridge -- [D46?] On ye Dee near Wrexham. Horatii & Curiatii Tomb. Minerva Medica [P60] Small oval Do. Small in frame. Oxford. -- View on ye Tiber - sketch. Ruins in Kew. Gardens - [P108] Marble Caverns at Lerici _ [P46A]
[Page 3]
Annibale Carracci -- --The Reposa -- Simone di Pesaro Holbein . ----------- the Steward P: Panini Do. Silence Picture the Virgin and Sleeping Infant St. John Guercino Raphael. Virg.[?] in yellow Virgin & Child & St John --- Bartolomeo. Sebiastiano Ludovico Carraci - Venus chiding Cupid Omphale from Guido Deianira Guido Hunting Louis 15th. Vandermeulen -- Teniers Landscape by Artois Venus & Cupid after Corregio large Claude. Lorraine Land Storm G: Poussin Landscape Do. Landscape G: Poussin Do.------- G. Poussin Small Do. - G. Poussin Andrea Schiavone -- Christ before Caiaphas P: Veronese. Mater Dolorosa. ---- Carlo Maratti Assumption of ye Virgin. Albano Landscape Nymphs Satyrs. Locatelli Apollo & Satyrs. P: Lauri. Virgin working. with Angels. after Guido Do. in Red drapery ----- After . Guido -- [Lower right side of page in pencil: sketch of heraldic shield with below a calculation:] 200 Wilson 100 - -- 160 50 -------- 450 60 --------- £510. ______
[Page 4]
Ludovico Sforza by G: Bellini. a Repose on ye Flight - Dominichino Virgin & Joseph &c in a Boat. .by. Dominichini Virgin & Child. by. Carlo_ Marratti Virgin & Child by.- Schidone. Vulcan. forging Armour. P: Lauri: Oval - Cupids . - Rottenhaemar. Claude Oval . -- . Do. Small: -- Christ on ye Cross. after. Guido Watteau D
Hogarth.Sketch A Sacrifice P: Lauri. Raphael. Virgin in. Blue Garment. Judgement of Midas. P: Lauri [Pencil:] Martyrdom of Saint Peter --
Updated by Compiler
2023-11-08 00:00:00
Work of Art
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
On Hounslow Heath
, Tate, London
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Syon House from Richmond Gardens - II - Evening
, Private Collection, England
Imitator of Wilson,
The Head of Lake Nemi
, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, New Haven
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Wilton House from the South East (Wilton House, South East View across the River Nadder)
, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, New Haven
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Cicero's Villa and the Gulf of Pozzuoli (The Bay of Baiae from Posilippo)
, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, New Haven
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Lake Nemi, Figures Bathing
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The Ruined Arch in Kew Gardens
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Strada Nomentana - II (View on the Strada Nomentana)
, Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum, Bournemouth
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The West Belvedere at Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli (Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy)
, Gloucester City Museum and Art Gallery
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The Villa of Maecenas at Tivoli
, Gloucester City Museum and Art Gallery
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The Thames near Marble Hill, Twickenham
, Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery
Style of Wilson,
Landscape with River and Ruins
, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Ariccia - I
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Villa Emiliana near Rome
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Near Rome
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The Temple of Minerva Medica, Rome
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Distant View of Maecenas' Villa, Tivoli (Tivoli, Villa of Maecenas)
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Tower by a Lake
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Lake Nemi and Genzano from the Terrace of the Capuchin Monastery
, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The Garden of the Villa Madama
, National Museum Wales, Cardiff
Ascribed to Wilson,
The West Belvedere at Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli (Hadrian's Villa)
, Private Collection, England
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The Bridge of Augustus at Rimini
, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge