Extensive Italian Landscape with Buildings and Figures

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Extensive Italian Landscape with Buildings and Figures
Extensive Italian Landscape with Buildings and Figures
Extensive Italian Landscape with Buildings and Figures
Simon Gillespie Studio Ltd
title=Credit line
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
Extensive Italian Landscape with Buildings and Figures
Oil on canvas
Metric: 73.6 x 99.5 cm
Imperial: 29 x 39 3/16 in.
Private Collection, Ireland
Wilson Online Reference
In the centre an Italianate villa is seen beyond a bridge and ancient ruins set among poplars and other trees. Behind to the left a campanile is silhouetted against an extensive plain traversed by a winding river with mountains in the background. In the foreground is a group of stationary figures near two large rocks and part of a fallen column. Two men seen from behind are playing cards opposite a third seated figure, while a standing woman in blue and white gestures towards the right, partly obscuring a dark-skinned man who is accompanied by a goat. Three other goats graze on a promontory behind them.
Thomas Townend (1796-1880), Snydale Park, Faversham; Colonel Groves, Trustee for the Estate of the late Mr and Mrs Townend; sold, Christie's London, 23 July 1887 (130 - An Italian scene with buildings and figures), bt Charles Wheler Wheler (1834-1899), Otterden Place, Kent and Ledston Hall, West Yorkshire (£9.9.0); by descent until acquired by the present owner; Sotheby's Online 30 Nov-5 Dec 2020 (199)
Unsigned; no inscription
Verso inscriptions
[1] Upper horizontal member of stretcher, centre, in old hand: No 124
[2] Upper horizontal member of stretcher, left corner, Christie's sale stencil: 499X
[3] Upper horizontal member of stretcher, left, white chalk within rectangle: 101
[4] Lower horizontal member of stretcher, centre, old hand, pencil: Wilson
[1] Upper horizontal member of stretcher, centre, old hand in black ink: Drummond
[2] Upper horizontal members of strertcher, centre: Old printed label, barely legible: THOMAS AGNEW | Carver + Gilder [...] Manchester
[3] Upper horizontal member of stretcher, left, printed label tied to ring: S.P.SANDERS, | Depositories,
[4] Left vertical member of stretcher, printed label, left side: W. FREEMAN & SON LTD. | Picture Restorers | 43/44 ALBEMARLE ST. | LONDON W.1. | Tel : REGENT 0365. | No 484 [right side] pencil: E.R.P.[?] / D [in circle]
Related Drawings
D225 Rome from the Villa Madama, Private Collection, England
See 'Links' tab
Related Paintings
P56 Rome from the Villa Madama Yale Center for British Art and other versions
Related Works by Other Artists
Jacob More (1740-1793) The Villa Madama, Rome, watercolour, 1778 (location unknown)
Critical commentary
The principal buildings may be based on the Villa Madama, Rome and the composition bears many similarities to that of P56 Rome from the Villa Madama, Yale Center for British Art and other versions, though no city appears in the distance. Another version of P206, less likely to be by Wilson himself, is at Penrhyn Castle (NWP206A).
Not in WGC
More Information
Otterden Place, the residence of Charles Wheler Wheler, was owned in the 18th century by Stephen Beckingham, a Grand Tourist in Rome who had commissioned four landscapes from Richard Wilson. It has been suggested that Charles Wheler Wheler may have bought this painting at auction in 1887 not only as an heirloom from his wife's family (Elizabeth Townend Hall was related to Thomas Townend), but also to reunite it with the house where works by Wilson had previously hung.
Dimensions framed: 107.1 x 132.3 cm; 42 1/2 x 52 1/8 in. Conserved and relined 2021 by Simon Gillespie Ltd.
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2021-04-26 00:00:00