A View in the Villa Madama, near Rome, called Il Teatro

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A View in the Villa Madama, near Rome, called Il Teatro
A View in the Villa Madama, near Rome, called Il Teatro
A View in the Villa Madama, near Rome, called Il Teatro
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
title=Credit line
William Byrne (1743-1805) after Wilson
A View in the Villa Madama, near Rome, called Il Teatro
Etching on moderately thick, slightly textured, cream wove paper
Metric: Sheet: 384 x 492 mm; Plate: 337 x 422 mm
Imperial: Sheet: 15 1/8 x 19 3/8 in. Plate: 13 1/4 x 16 5/8 in.
Accession Number
Wilson Online Reference
A wooded landscape, with three figures in the right foreground and others at the doorway of a ruined villa, surrounded by trees behind. To the left a lake and two grottoes are visible.
Acquired 1984
Lettered lower left: Richd. Wilson pinxt. | No.1.; lower centre: A View in the Villa Madama, near ROME, called IL TEATRO: - Pastor Fido, & other Dramas, having been perform'd there. | Publish'd by J.BOYDELL, Engraver in Cheapside, London, 1765.; lower right: Wm. Byrne Sculpt.
Verso inscriptions
[1] lower right, graphite: IR 884/428
Related Paintings
P91 The Hermitage, Villa Madama, Petworth House, National Trust
P91A The Hermitage, Villa Madama, Hagley Hall, Worcestershire
P91B The Hermitage, Villa Madama, Johannesburg Art Gallery
P91C The Hermitage, Villa Madama, Private Collection, England
P91D The Garden of the Villa Madama, National Museum Wales, Cardiff
P91E The Hermitage, Villa Madama, Private Collection, Wales
Previous Cat/Ref Nos
Object ID: 20828
Booth Notes Doc. 6; Booth Notes Doc. 7; Edwards 1808, p. 88
Link to WG Constable Archive Record
Unmounted. Some pale foxing, especially along the lower edge