The West Belvedere, Hadrian's Villa (detail)

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The West Belvedere, Hadrian's Villa (detail)
The West Belvedere, Hadrian's Villa (detail)
The West Belvedere, Hadrian's Villa (detail)
Private Collection, England
title=Credit line
Richard Wilson (1713/14-1782)
The West Belvedere, Hadrian's Villa (detail)
Oil on canvas
Metric: 48 x 38.6 cm
Imperial: 19 3/4 x 16 1/2 in.
Private Collection, England
James Orrock, Bedford Square London; Christie's 4 June 1904 (150 - Italian Figures and Ruins - a pair: 42 gns); Mallam's Oxford, 1994 (223); bt by present owner
Techniques and materials
A beige ground is showing through in places beneath the background landscape.
Verso inscriptions
[1] Central horizontal member of stretcher, black ink: Richard Wilson, Property of James Orrock, oil on canvas, 19 x 15 in.
[2] Sale stencil: 730AS
[3] Sale stencil
In a 19th century wood and gesso neo-classical frame. Relined and extended on all four sides by about 1 cm. The relining has exposed the weave but not so much as in the case of P137D The Villa of Maecenas at Tivoli, Private Collection, England.