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Victoria & Albert Museum, London
title=Credit line
William Woollett (1735-1785) and William Ellis (1747-1810) after Wilson
Published 4 June 1778
Etching and engraving
Metric: 552 x 441 mm
Imperial: 21 3/4 x 17 3/8 in.
Accession Number
Wilson Online Reference
A sheltered pool is shown surrounded by rocky banks with a weeping willow on the left. There are two monks on the bank to the right, one sitting against a tree reading and other monks can be seen praying around a cross erected in front of a small building, almost hidden in a forest in the background.
Signature on flat stone lower right: R W 1764 [?]
Lettered lower left:
[1] 'Painted by Richard Wilson, R.A.'
[2] 'Still let me pierce into the midnight depth
Of yonder Grove, of wildest largest growth
That, forming high in air a woodland quire
Nods o'er the mount beneath. At every step
Solemn, and slow, the shadows blacker fall,
And all is awful listening gloom around.'
Lower centre:
[2] To Sir George Beaumont, Bart,, [Beaumont arms wiith motto, ERECTUS NON ELATUS] this PLATE is Dedicated,
By his obliged humble Servant, William Woollett,
From the original Picture in the possession of Mr. Rob Ledger.
Published as the Act directs, 4 June, 1778; by Wm. Woollett. Engraver to His MAJESTY, Green Str. Leicester Fields, London.'
Lower right:
[1] Engraved by Wm,, Woollett & Wm,, Ellis
[2] 'These are the haunts of Meditation, these
The scenes where ancient bards th'inspiring breath,
Extatic, felt; and from this world retird.
Thomson's Summer, line 516.
Taken from James Thomson's The Seasons: Summer (1730 edition, lines 439-447, slightly modified ; 1746 edition, lines 513-521; later editions, lines 516-524)
Related Drawings
D359 Solitude, Study for a Picture, c.1762, The British Museum (1881,0212.3)
Related Prints
E57 Christian Duttenhofer after Wilson,Solitude, Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, New Haven
A further impression is at Bristol City Museum and Gallery (Ma1568)
See 'Links' tab
Related Paintings
P114 Solitude - I, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea
P114A Solitude - I, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin
P114B Solitude - I , Private Collection Ireland
P115 Wilson and Studio, Solitude - II, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Critical commentary
The composition is very close indeed to that of the Duttenhofer print E57.
Edwards 1808, p. 88; DYCE COLLECTION. A Catalogue of the Paintings, Miniatures, Drawings, Engravings, Rings and Miscellaneous Objects Bequeathed by The Reverend Alexander Dyce, London : South Kensington Museum, 1874, p. 271; Fagan 1885, p. 45, cat. XCIX, 6th State
Link to WG Constable Archive Record
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2017-02-03 00:00:00