Veduta del Tempio, e Fiume del Clitunno nello Stato presente

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Veduta del Tempio, e Fiume del Clitunno nello Stato presente
Veduta del Tempio, e Fiume del Clitunno nello Stato presente
Veduta del Tempio, e Fiume del Clitunno nello Stato presente
The Trustees of the British Museum
title=Credit line
Giuseppe Vasi after Wilson
Veduta del Tempio, e Fiume del Clitunno nello Stato presente
Engraving and etching
Metric: 220 x 308 mm (plate size)
Imperial: 8 5/8 x 12 1/8 in. (plate size)
Accession Number
Wilson Online Reference
View of the ancient Temple of Clitumnus situated on the Via Flaminia between Spoleto and Trevi.
Tercentenary 2014 (6)
Lettered below the image:
[1] Centre: Veduta del Tempio, e Fiume del Clitunno nello stato presente.
[2] Left: R. Wilson disegnò
[3] Right: Giuseppe Vasi intagliò
The setting is a temple supposedly once the sanctuary of the god, Clitumnus, near Spoleto in Umbria, which was converted into a Christian church in the 4th century.
Related Paintings
P65 The Temple of Clitumnus, with the Cows drinking from the Spring of Clitumnus, near Spoleto, Umbria, Private Collection, Italy
P65A The Temple of Clitumnus, Private Collection, Italy
P65B An Italian River Scene, with the Temple of Clitumnus and Ruins, two Figures and Cows, Collection of Richard L. Feigen & Co
P65C Landscape with Temple of Clitumnus near Spoleto, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
P65D The Temple of Clitumnus, The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
Critical commentary
The print is from Ridolfino Venuti, Osservazioni sopra il Fiume Clitunno detto oggi Le Vene situato tra Spoleto, e Fuligno, Rome, 1753 - pl. VI. As noted by Jonathan Yarker, Wilson would have been familiar with the temple, which was mentioned by Virgil in the Georgics, and he probably saw it while travelling through Umbria on his way to Rome in 1751. Venuti was much admired by Wilson's patrons, Thomas Brand and Thomas Hollis. Wilson later painted the subject several times (see Related Paintings)
WGC p. 198 under pl. 75b; Woodbridge 1970, pl. 4b; R.W. Lightbown, 'Italy Illustrated', Apollo, vol. 94, September 1971, pp. 218 & 220; D. Marignoli, 'Richard Wilson e il Tempietto di Clitunno: L'evoluzione di un Tema', Spoletum vol. 4, 2011, pp. 107-13; Wilson and Europe 2014, p. 210
More Information
The site was later celebrated by Byron in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812), canto iv, stanzas lxvi-lxviii.
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2017-04-07 00:00:00