Kilgarren Castle in South Wales

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Kilgarren Castle in South Wales
Kilgarren Castle in South Wales
Kilgarren Castle in South Wales
The Trustees of the British Museum
title=Credit line
William Elliott (1727-1766) after Wilson
Kilgarren Castle in South Wales
1765, republished 17 July 1775
Etching and engraving
Metric: Sheet: 410 x 544 mm. Image: 361 x 513 mm
Imperial: Sheet: 16 1/8 x 21 7/16 in. Image: 14 3/16 x 20 3/16 in.
Accession Number
Wilson Online Reference
Landscape with a man fishing on a rock in the foreground in the middle of a broad river with trees and rocky hills on either side. There is a small ruin on the right bank and a ruined castle with round towers on the hill-top to the right.
Edward Daniell, 53 Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square, London, from whom purchased, 1867
Lettered below the image with the title in English and French and 'Richd,, Wilson Pinxt | Willm, Elliott Sculpt | Published July 17th, 1775 by John Boydell Engraver in Cheapside London'
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Two other impressions are at The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (PD07376 and 448829)
Related Paintings
P130 Cilgerran Castle (Kilgerran Castle), Magdalen College, Oxford
Related Works by Other Artists
[1] John 'Warwick' Smith (1749-1831) Cilgerran Castle on the River Teifi, Pembrokeshire watercolour, with Lowell Libson 2014
[2] J.M.W. Turner Kilgaran Castle on the Twyvey, Hazy Sunrise, previous to a Sultry Day (RA 1799), Wordsworth House, The National Trust
Critical commentary
Originally published by Wilson, 1765 then one of the set, Six Views in North and South Wales, all after Wilson, published by John Boydell in 1775
R. Gough, Anecdotes of British Topography, London 1768, p. 593; Edwards 1808, p. 88
More Information
An impression belonged to William Lock of Norbury and featured in his sale, Sotheby's London 3-7 May 1821 (619).