Untitled (Lake and Castle)

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Untitled (Lake and Castle)
Untitled (Lake and Castle)
Untitled (Lake and Castle)
The Trustees of the British Museum
title=Credit line
Thomas Hastings after Wilson
Untitled (Lake and Castle)
Published December 1821
Etching on chine collé
Metric: 191 x 260 mm
Imperial: 7 1/2 x 10 1/4 in.
Accession Number
Wilson Online Reference
A landscape with a lake and buildings on a hilltop on the shore in the centre background. A man reclines cross-legged under trees in the foreground left with a large basket on his arm.
Bought from George Willis, Piazza, Covent Garden, 1854
Lettered below the image: 'The Original is in the Possession of Lady Ford'; production details and publication line: 'Painted by R. Wilson | 1772' 'Etched by THastings | and published Dec 1821'
'See Links tab'
Related Paintings
Richard Wilson, Lake and Castle ('Villa Adriana'), location unknown (Ford sale, Christie's, 14 June 1929 (17)), bt Agnew; R.W. Lloyd in 1953).
Critical commentary
From a series of forty etchings after paintings by Richard Wilson and additional title page, bound in a volume in red tooled leather with gold decorative border, lettered on the spine with 'Wilson's | Etchings | by | Hastings'; the title page lettered in black and red: 'Etchings, | from the Works | of | [ facsimile of signature below portrait] Ric. Wilson | with Some Memoirs of his Life, &c. | by Thomas Hastings, Esq. | Collector of His Majesty's Customs. | "Non Ductus Officio Sed Amore Operis." Quintillian. | Published by Hurst, Robinson & Co. Cheapside, London. | Johnson, Typ. Apollo Press, 1825. Brook Street, Holborn'; containing twenty pages of Introductory and Concluding Remarks by the etcher, including descriptions of Richard Wilson's original paintings.
Previous Cat/Ref Nos
Hastings 1825, repr.; WGC, p. 205 under pl. 85a; Yule 2015, pp. 60 & 69
More Information
George Willis was an antiquarian book dealer, who occasionally published books and prints. His firm was active from 1832-1856 and sold many prints to the British Museum. In 1856 it merged with Thomas Sotheran to become Willis & Sotheran.
Updated by Compiler
2015-12-09 00:00:00